Defining History

Calli Umipig April 10, 2017

Benjamin Franklin once said, “History will kind to me, for I intend to write it”. Victors and successors have always been the ones to write the history books and that is no different here in Cape Town. For decades during apartheid blacks, coloureds, and… More

Embracing the Unexpected Adventure

Jay Burnett April 9, 2017

We had a plan. A loose plan, but a plan nonetheless. We knew which train to catch, which bus to take and how far to walk to the park entrance. But that’s the thing with plans- sometimes they become obsolete within an hour of departure. The 10:05 a.m… More

Easter Break

Mitch Peiffer April 9, 2017

This morning, I woke up at 4:30am for no other reason than to go to the beach with a few friends and watch the sun rise over the ocean. It was beautiful. We took the scenic route to get there, exploring the bits of nature thriving in between the granite… More


Raechyl Thieringer April 4, 2017

This past weekend I went back to Sydney.  Why?  To check two things off my bucket list: seeing a Sydney Opera House opera and swimming with sharks.  I saw Carmen on the Sydney Harbor, and it was the best opera performance I have ever seen.  Then Sunday… More

The Past Two Weeks

Melissa Hoey April 4, 2017

In the midst of adventuring around the Gold Coast of Australia, I became so distracted in finding new places that I forgot how demanding school can be. Despite spending much of the last two weeks completing midterm exams and assignments, I have still… More

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