Spring Break!?

Colleen Morrison April 15, 2018

The week or so of time that you get between the first and second half of the spring semester is commonly known as spring break. But here in South Africa it was winter when we finally got our break. Break gave me a lot of time to explore, sleep and of… More

Eating My Way Through Cape Town

Colleen Morrison March 22, 2018

One of my favorite aspects of Cape Town would have to be the overabundance of cute cafes and great food. Below I have outlined a few of my favorite finds. FAVORITE PLACES KauaiKauai is one of the first places that I got to experience while studying… More

Live and Learn

Colleen Morrison March 6, 2018

With one month already under my belt, I feel that I have already learned so many things. Some things have smacked me right in the face and others have been learned more slowly. Below are just a few things that I have learned and continue to learn: I… More

Learning Curve

Chloe Diggs August 22, 2017

Fact or Myth: Your workload abroad will be virtually stress-free. That statement is 100% myth in my situation! Georgetown University requires students studying abroad at The University of Western Cape to enroll in an equivalent to 15 U.S. credits. This… More

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