Settling In

Virginia Black September 21, 2017

It’s been so hard to find the time to sit down to write this blog post. As the end of my second full week in Edinburgh approaches, part of me feels like there’s no way I’ve already been here that long, and the other part of me feels like I’ve been living… More

A New World of Cultural Appropriation & Exploitation

Noelle McGee September 20, 2017

I knew that I would be thrown into a completely different culture, but not like this. The first day my exchange advisors released us into the city, I was baffled by many things going on. In the U.S., everyone is just now discovering thrift stores and… More


Michael Turgeon September 20, 2017

At the top of a mountain everyone is in the happiest moment of their lives. I’ve never bonded with complete strangers faster than after summitting Roy’s Peak on the South Island, on a day so clear that the full magnificence of the Southern Alps flanking… More

Settling In: Life in Edinburgh

Allison Dammann September 19, 2017

Hello from Scotland! I've now been in Edinburgh for almost two weeks and the city is finally starting to feel like home. I'm starting to figure out how to get from place to place, which coins mean how many pence, and where to buy the cheapest groceries… More

Adjusting to the Experience of a Lifetime

Kalee Shomo September 15, 2017

Editor's note: If you are struggling with depression or anxiety, please reach out for help. In the U.S., call 1-800-273-8255 for the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline. If you are on an Arcadia program abroad, contact an Arcadia staff member to be connected… More

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