It’s a Small World After All

Caroline Brock April 2, 2018

Have you ever been to Disney World? When my family went when I was about six years old It’s a Small World was my little sister’s favorite ride, and I understand why. You get to hop on a little boat with your family and travel down a river that’s lined… More

Keeping New Zealand Pure

Chloe Seletz March 28, 2018

Prior to my arrival in New Zealand, I received many comments and advice about the country. I was told that countries like New Zealand and Australia will have a very similar culture as the United States. I was not sure what to make of the comment, but… More

Weekend in Paris

Allie Rivera March 27, 2018

I never really had an interest going to Paris. My thought on it was if someone ask me or offer me to go with them I would shrug my shoulder and say sure. The reason I decided to go to Paris was due to the fact that one of my roommates from last semester… More

Looking Ahead to Looking Back

Rebecca Sohn March 26, 2018

The semester is quickly coming to an end, and I’m losing track of time (as evidenced by my not posting for three weeks – sorry!). As it gets closer to the end of the semester, I am increasingly thinking about what I will remember of my time in Dublin… More

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