The Most Beautiful Place I Have Ever Seen

Allie Rivera April 6, 2018

You can probably judge by the title this is my favorite place and I deem it a must. The place I refer to is Isle of Skye. I went to this beautiful place through Arcadia for a weekend. I am not surprised that it sells out so quickly every year because… More

I’ve Got the Travel Bug

Danica Tamura April 3, 2018

A big part of many people’s (including mine) study abroad experience is traveling. Being in London, it is easy to take weekend trips to various cities and countries in the surrounding areas. My friends and I have found the perfect balance of spending… More


Allie Rivera April 2, 2018

During my Easter weekend, I decided to do a homestay which is where you live with a local family for a certain amount of time. In my case it was just the weekend. I honestly had no clue what I was going into and received little information about my host… More

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