Exploring: New Cultures & Churches

Tatiana Redden August 4, 2015

This past weekend, all students who traveled through Arcadia’s Study Abroad program went to a South Africa Township, Gugulethu (it’s still a bit hard for me to pronounce). Gugulethu is different from other Townships. The population ranges from those that… More

You're Going to Africa?

Tatiana Redden July 21, 2015

"What would you guys think about going to South Africa for a semester?" I asked my two suitemates as we laid in bed during our hour break from class. I had just came from one of Arcadia's study aboard sessions. In the session, I learned so many things… More

One More Sleep

Remy Bessolo June 12, 2015

This journey started with one last sleep at my home in Southern California. It now ends with one last sleep in what has become my second home. The Mother City has given me the opportunity to live an entirely new way of life in the most beautiful and breath-taking… More

10 Days 10 Things

Remy Bessolo June 8, 2015

What. When did we get to less than 10 days? This is ridiculous. It’s hard to come to terms with leaving this beautiful place, but I am excited to see my family and friends (and Chipotle). Although I have been here for over 4 months, there are still elements… More

Last Time Best Time

Remy Bessolo May 26, 2015

We officially have less than a month until we have to leave our dear Mother City. It feels like just last week that I was talking about having several months to go, and somehow I ended up only having weeks left. The past two weeks have been full of “lasts… More

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