The Busy Part of Studying Abroad

Arin Fambro June 1, 2017

These past few weeks have been very busy and we are heading right into the end of the semester so quickly. It has all gone so fast and I am not ready to return back to the United States. I am currently sitting on a bus driving through the beautiful countryside… More

Exploring Chile!

Megan Anger May 30, 2017

I’ve been traveling for the last two weekends and while I loved every minute of it, I am thoroughly exhausted! With two friends, I traveled first to Chiloé in the south and then to the Elqui Valley in the north. The two places have very different climates… More

La Vacacio'n Final

Caitlyn Rome May 30, 2017

Speaking a different language is a challenge, but especially difficult when you need to be proficient enough to maneuver through a city.  My final trip of the semester challenged me in this way, because I had not taken Spanish language classes since my… More

When In Doubt… Road Trip

Jay Burnett May 24, 2017

For weeks, we planned. We scoured the internet for the not-to-miss attractions and top (affordable) restaurants. We found all the best, totally worth it day hikes. We budgeted, we booked, we researched. When the time finally came, we picked up our camper… More

So Many Adventures

Kristin Kinchla May 19, 2017

A few weeks ago was mid-semester break and I went to the North Island with four friends and 16 hours of traveling was completely worth it. Our first trip was to Ragland which was a town full of surfers, we went there for my friend Gabe’s birthday who… More

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