
Cameron Welke December 24, 2017

“Life is full of leavings/with every leaving’s a receiving/it’s just a matter of believing/that more will come to meet your eyes”                       These words, penned by a dear friend and the most talented songwriter I know, have resonated with… More

6 Months, 3 Seasons, 1 Suitcase

Alysa Tarrant December 19, 2017

Hello all and welcome to my first blog post! My name is Alysa and I am currently a sophomore at The College of Wooster, studying communication studies, French, and elementary education. I will be studying at King’s College in London, leaving January 2nd… More

The Language Barrier

Rachel Torralba December 14, 2017

Accents are always a part of language and I have encountered more accents than I could have possibly imagined over the term. Before coming here, I thought that all English people had the same accent. To be perfectly honest, I didn’t even know the difference… More

I'll Do It Later

Rachel Torralba December 11, 2017

I seem to be in a perpetual mindset of procrastination. I’m not sure if it was the extremely long summer or that I didn’t have anything due until week six of ten this semester. Schoolwork here tends to just be readings before the lecture or seminar. Busy… More

Drawing to a Close

Lana Valente December 10, 2017

Hey readers! It's been awhile, but I'm sure we're all on the same page about now: that is, everyone is in a frenzy as we prepare for finals. I've found myself in a sort of strange holiday mess, between tests and the festivity of the season. It's that… More

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