Rain, Rain, Come Our Way

Colleen Morrison April 30, 2018

Have you ever taken into consideration the amount of water that you use in a week or even in a single day? The average U.S. family uses 300 gallons of water per day. 300! Given that Earth Day just passed recently, I thought it would be beneficial to… More

Gallery: Can I Have a Stamp?

Bryan Mitchell April 26, 2018

If you are interested in maps and collectables, then this post is for you. Below is a compilation of maps and passport stamps from my travels throughout the semester. Each travel day is a different colour on the respective maps. Enjoy! Source: “Great… More

Spring Break Part 4: A Magical Ending

Sydney Smith April 26, 2018

My last memorable experience while traveling over my spring break can be attributed to my geekish roots. Like many while growing up, the Harry Potter series was a massive influence in my life. I read all the books and watched all the movies, and am proud… More

Spring Break Part 3: Glen Nevis

Sydney Smith April 24, 2018

By the fifth day of my Spring Trip I was equal parts fired up and physically exhausted. I was on the last leg of my trip with only a few days left before I returned to good ole Aberdeen. These last few days were less organized than the first half and… More

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