Putting On A Show: South Africa Needs Therapy

Remy Bessolo May 5, 2015

Last week while talking with a friend on campus, she said something that has been stuck in my head. Within the few months that I have been here, the push to change South Africa has manifested in several events and daily happenings around the country.… More

Spring Break: Cape Town Edition

Remy Bessolo April 13, 2015

Table Mountain & the 4 Day Garden Route Adventure This one has to be full of pictures, as there is no adequate way to describe the adventure, exploration, laughter, and memory making that occurred over spring break in and around Cape Town. The “vac… More

Choice, Chance, Change

Remy Bessolo March 23, 2015

Cape Town On Fire Cape Town has been on fire both literally and figuratively in the past few weeks. While the record high heat sparked a fire that covered the mountain ranges, a fire was lit in the hearts of the UCT community and the population of Cape… More

The South African Way of Life

Remy Bessolo March 9, 2015

Excursions and Cultural Immersions "A people without the knowledge of their past history, origin and culture is like a tree without roots." - Marcus Garvey There is a movement happening in Cape Town to revive the language of the Khoisan people that… More

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