WARNING: Finals are Closer Than They Appear

Calli Umipig June 19, 2017

Time is a concept rarely taken seriously when we’re young because we feel as if we have so much of it. Only when we don’t want something to end does mortality start to make sense and suddenly its all we can think about. Each absence between blog posts… More

The People You Meet

Jay Burnett June 12, 2017

As of late, reality has been hitting me like a curve ball I wasn’t prepared for: soon I will be leaving New Zealand. On June 7, the Arcadianz in Wellington gathered together for our farewell dinner, the last time we would all be together. We ate delicious… More

Taking the ‘SWOT’ out of SWOTVAC

Laura Yang June 11, 2017

Hi everyone! For the most part, everyone back home is done with finals and starting their summer vacations while I am still a few weeks away before the end of my semester. This post is going to be short (apologies to those who enjoy my long posts – it… More

Learning from the Past

Megan Anger June 9, 2017

Over the past four months, I’ve gotten a chance to see and understand a different part of Chile that isn’t quite visible on the surface. In my classes at PUCV, I’ve learned a lot about the history of Chile, and specifically about the time of the dictatorship… More

Mount Cook

Kristin Kinchla June 5, 2017

Time unfortunately is coming down to an end. I have four finals within the next two weeks. I do have one last trip to look forward to after finals and that is Milford Sound. My friend and I am going to Milford Sound for five days until I have to fly back… More

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