Materials and Mindsets

Cameron Welke August 25, 2017

What do I need? Presently, this question resonates within me on multiple levels as I prepare for my departure. Most practically, it applies to my packing – as I try to fit enough clothes for sixteen weeks into one suitcase, I find myself asking if I… More

Sand & Surf (+Waves & Wind)

Anne Hsia August 21, 2017

AHHHH just came back from Surfer’s Paradise in Gold Coast and it is SO BEAUTIFUL!!! You know how the postcards of San Francisco are photoshopped to make the colours really bright, where the Golden Gate Bridge is bright red, the sky is blue, and it’s sunny… More

Sometimes it is Okay to Be a No Person While Abroad

Chloe Diggs August 16, 2017

Euphoria. Cheesy grins and gyrating hips greeted me at the District’s hip-hop night on my first weekend in Cape Town. My senses were flooded when I was approached by kind, probably tipsy, strangers, blaring music with base-filled beats and assorted levels… More

One Note About Academics While Abroad…

Allison Gordon August 15, 2017

Finding balance in college is difficult. On paper, I went to college to expand my educational opportunities, get a degree, and secure a job after graduation. But I also went to join clubs and societies, meet new people, and maybe sleep in every once… More

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