How Are You Gettin’ On?

Kalee Shomo September 25, 2017

I have officially been in Scotland for three weeks as of 25 September, and in school for one week. I’ve been to all the major local businesses and pubs in Glasgow, and some of Scotland’s greatest monuments. Traveling around Scotland has been interesting… More

The First Six Week Slump

Fiona Bell September 22, 2017

The first half of my semester was all in all pretty uneventful. I walked into a cult meeting on accident, but decided to stay until it was over so I could eat their free vegan food. I tried my hand at kayaking, which in hindsight wasn’t a good fit because… More

Last Week at Home: Goodbyes and Packing

Marta Armour September 22, 2017

The final days before departure include many goodbyes, final work shifts, and lots and lots of packing and repacking. Packing for an entire academic year has been insanely challenging, but saying goodbye to everyone has been harder. Saying goodbye to… More

Catching Up

Haley Winkle September 22, 2017

It’s been a little bit since I’ve been able to blog - which is to say, I’ve been busy and having a great time in Rome (and devoting time and energy to navigating my own comfort zone here). Orientation is finally complete, and my first week of classes… More

The Adjustment Process

Lana Valente September 22, 2017

Did you know that within one day, you can make at least four friends? Sounds a bit far-fetched, I know. But you learn something new every day, and when you're thrust into a unique situation with several other people, friendships form almost immediately… More

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