The Grand South Island Adventure

Fiona Bell October 5, 2017

The trip began with waking up at 4:00am on the first Monday of the mid-semester break. Little did I or my fellow adventurers know that it only takes 5 minutes to get through the domestic terminal at the Auckland International Airport. There wasn’t even… More

Dealing with American Catastrophe on Foreign Soil

Kalee Shomo October 3, 2017

Obviously this week hasn’t gotten off to a great start in the U.S. regarding the awful attack in Las Vegas and the passing of one of the world’s greatest rock and roll icons, Tom Petty. I just wanted to write a little blog post about what I experienced… More

Quick Question, Is This Real? A Field Study in Tuscany

Haley Winkle October 2, 2017

Rarely before have I spent a weekend asking myself and those around me, “Is this real?” in true disbelief. Then again, these past two days have been unlike anything I’ve ever experienced. I’m taking the legendary Dr. K’s food studies course this semester… More

How Did I Get Here?

Rachel Torralba October 2, 2017

After months of preparation, answering the same questions over and over again, as well as fending off questions such as, “how’s school going?” and “wait, aren’t you supposed to be in London?” with the awkward response of “I’m leaving on September 26th… More

Massive Free Blessing

Anne Hsia September 25, 2017

Blessings are free, but when they cost no money it seems even more undeserved. Today I went to Tangalooma on Moreton Island for free (a friend won a voucher with Backpacks World Travel but couldn’t use it before it expired, so gave the voucher to me)… More

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