Weekend with Dad

Ben Garnitz October 18, 2017

Two weeks in I finally began to get my bearings in Granada. I knew how to get to class; I became familiar with some waiters at a few cafes and bars; and where to get churros late at night. My dad had a meeting in Madrid so a few days before he came to… More

Being American Abroad

Haley Winkle October 16, 2017

It seems counterproductive to flock to the things advertising an English label with your English-speaking friends while abroad in a non-English-speaking country. For example, visiting American-style stores and restaurants and going to see an English production… More

Mission Beach

Becca Choi October 10, 2017

One of the things I love about Arcadia is the way they are always offering up opportunities for us to do amazing things. This weekend we went on a road trip to Mission Beach. We started on Friday at 3pm, made a short stop at Babinda Boulders, and Alligator… More

Depressed in a Tourist City

Noelle McGee October 10, 2017

Editor's note: If you are struggling with depression or anxiety, please reach out for help. In the U.S., call 1-800-273-8255 for the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline. If you are on an Arcadia program abroad, contact an Arcadia staff member to be connected… More

At Home in Italy

Lana Valente October 9, 2017

A lot can change in a few weeks... But sometimes, nothing does! I'm far more comfortable than I was during the first month, because after four or five weeks, you build a routine. Italian life has settled well with me, like a good meal that took time to… More

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