This Is What It's All About

Michael Turgeon December 9, 2017

When I opened my eyes this morning, I was struck by the familiarity of what I saw: my old ceiling, with its off-white, 1950s-style wooden beams; a large cabinet stuffed with DVDs and old photo albums; a painting of a kangaroo I made when I was 12, complete… More

On Nerves, Nakedness, and Narcissism

Cameron Welke December 5, 2017

Every year a fresh batch of starry-eyed young scholars refine their resumes, perfect their personal statement prowess, and hurry to get an interview haircut as they apply to be thrown into that maelstrom of prestigious degrees and profound debt that is… More

Happy Christmas! (It's Almost Over)

Regina Karmilovich December 4, 2017

It’s the most wonderful time of the year here in London! Today we had a first snowfall - just flurries, but still very exciting. Something about the holidays here seems so magical to me. Because the UK hardly celebrates Halloween or Thanksgiving, Christmas… More

Garbatella: Home to Me

Haley Winkle December 3, 2017

I don’t take many trips outside of Rome for a few reasons: I like to get to know my host city, I can’t afford to take trips every weekend, and I enjoy the moments of rest and quiet between busy weeks. On the offhand that I do take a side trip, coming… More

Hospitalized – 3,000 miles away from home

Marta Armour November 30, 2017

So November didn’t start off so well. My laptop broke and took about 2 weeks to get fixed. Midterms were coming up and I had no idea how the Spanish set up their exams. As mentioned in my previous blog post we went to Toledo and Madrid. That trip was… More

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