Living in an Airport

Allie Rivera January 15, 2018

The beginning of my journey to Scotland was actually quite difficult and challenging. My fellow classmates and I all had a flight from Newark on January 9th but before that I had a flight from Buffalo to New Jersey the day before. I purposely planned… More


Sydney Smith January 15, 2018

Two weeks ago, I left the sanctuary of my home on New Year’s Day to start my latest grand adventure of studying abroad for a semester in Aberdeen, Scotland. I left Texas, bright and early on a very cold Monday morning. My bags were packed to their fullest… More

First Impressions of London

Alysa Tarrant January 7, 2018

Two plane rides and three nights in a hotel later and I am finally moved in to my accommodation for the next five months. Tomorrow will begin the orientation for King’s College and in just a short week I will be preparing to begin classes. What a wild… More

A Hundred Thousand Welcomes

Rebecca Sohn January 7, 2018

It’s my fifth day in Dublin, but it feels like it has been much longer. At the same time, I’m still very much adjusting to life here. Maybe that’s because so much has been crammed into the past few days. From the hours of orientation at the Arcadia Dublin… More

Happy Returns

Haley Winkle January 2, 2018

It’s January now, and I’ve been back in the States for a couple of weeks. My jetlag finally wore off, the holidays are over, and I’m getting ready to start my last semester on my home campus this week. My last few nights and last aperitivo in Rome were… More

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