First Week and First Impressions

Allie Rivera February 2, 2018

I can now successfully say that I have survived my first week of classes in Scotland. I have to say how different their education system is here when compared to Arcadia back home. At Arcadia or just in America, we have our set schedule with classes… More

New Beginnings

Danica Tamura January 31, 2018

It has officially been a little over a week since I have settled in my new home here in London – so I’d like to reflect on the past week and what has been going on. Going into my study abroad experience, I was extremely nervous for multiple reasons: leaving… More

Toledo...Spain? / Madrid y Toledo

Melanie Brown January 27, 2018

Madrid What a busy week it has been! I feel like I haven't had a second away from all the excitement to relax in forever. Definitely not a bad thing though. I began my time in Spain flying into Madrid from Scotland. I missed the first day’s orientation… More


Caroline Brock January 26, 2018

We’ve officially survived our first week in Spain! We spent two days in Madrid, and then Spent one day and night in Toledo, giving us a little bit of time to get to know each other, and our host country, before moving into our separate accommodations… More

Homestay in Stirling: Exploring the Legacy of History

Sydney Smith January 24, 2018

We are only the decayed fragments of the Roman Empire from which we have all that we value ourselves upon, and I always believe we can never be so well employed as in endeavoring to understand as well as we can the original meaning of that system of things… More

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