Cursed to Fail Exams

Allie Rivera February 7, 2018

A quick trip to Edinburgh is always fun and easy. I decided to go into the city on February 4 with one other friend. We decided to go to Edinburgh Castle and the National Museum of Scotland. We had already been to the museum previously with our class… More

Sardines in Stirling Castle

Allie Rivera February 5, 2018

For those of you that have never played the wonderful game of sardines, I highly recommend that you add it to your bucket list. The simplest way to describe this game is kinda like reverse hide-and-seek. Instead of one person looking for others that have… More

(Not) Alone

Rebecca Sohn February 4, 2018

I have a strange relationship with being alone. Growing up with a twin sister, I was never truly on my own. At the same time, I have always been introverted, and spending time by myself is not only something I enjoy but something I couldn't get by without… More

New Challenges

Sam Laughlin February 4, 2018

When everything’s going to plan in your life, you normally don’t mix it up. But sometimes, that’s exactly what you need to do. Growing up and going to the only school I could ever think of attending- The University of Nebraska- was a plan that was executed… More

First Week and First Impressions

Allie Rivera February 2, 2018

I can now successfully say that I have survived my first week of classes in Scotland. I have to say how different their education system is here when compared to Arcadia back home. At Arcadia or just in America, we have our set schedule with classes… More

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