Music While Abroad and How It Ties to Moments

Sam Laughlin May 10, 2018

Just like music is used to set the mood in a film or at a social event, I think music just as equally ties itself to a person’s memory. For me, anytime I hear the album Arabia Mountain it reminds me of going into my senior year of high school and I can… More

The View

Rebecca Sohn May 8, 2018

The story I’m about to tell could begin a lot of different ways. I could start it by describing the view from the bottom of Croagh Patrick, a formidable peak rising steeply from the surrounding valley. I could write of the things that seem so much like… More


Bryan Mitchell May 3, 2018

After the Break: I enjoy seeing my friends again during the first week back and feel fine getting back into my usual routine; coming home from my trip was not so bad since this entire semester feels like holiday. I have a test and an essay to complete… More

Defining Home

Sam Laughlin May 1, 2018

As much as travel and visiting new places around Europe has been a frequent theme in my blog posts, it struck me that not enough time has been spent on the place I’ve actually been living. It’s truly a shame that its gone overlooked because Swansea has… More

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