Final Thoughts, Part 1: Two Ways of Returning Home

Rebecca Sohn May 30, 2018

A lot can change in a week. One week ago, I had just traveled back to Dublin from a trip to Amsterdam – the last major trip of my semester abroad. One week later and I am sitting at my dining room table back home in Massachusetts, still thinking about… More

Weekend in Dunedin

Chloe Seletz May 30, 2018

A common trend I have noticed with students who study abroad is the pressure and excitement of going on weekend trips to explore new surroundings. I am personally a huge advocate of them. Here in New Zealand, many people road-trip to the South Island… More

Not All Those Who Wander Are Lost

Bryan Mitchell May 28, 2018

 Hitting a Wall: A fitting J.R.R. Tolkien Lord of the Rings quote to title this post. Emotions have been present lately, and I have been trying to feel them more. My closest Kiwi friend helps me through this process. Just like before, this is not homesickness… More

Take a Hike

Colleen Morrison May 23, 2018

If you know me, you know how much I love a good view. Hiking has become a good outlet for me to both exercise and experience various beautiful views. Most recently, I attended an excursion with other students from the Arcadia Program, led by Alan Jansen… More

Time to Go Home!

Melanie Brown May 22, 2018

As the semester comes to an end, I’m feeling very conflicted. I’m really going to miss Granada and it’s beauty. I’m going to miss speaking Spanish and traveling. I think a little more than that, though, I’m excited to go home. For someone who travels… More

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