The Dwindling Days Before Arrival

Kate Ahern August 31, 2018

Let’s just start by saying that I hate packing. Everyone hates packing, but I always forget how much I hate it until I actually have to do it. I am always one for being on top of a packing list, I’ve had that ready for about a month, but actually bringing… More

The Countdown Begins

Autumn Schorr August 22, 2018

Exactly 25 days until I leave for London and exactly 0 items packed. I have dug up my suitcase and started looking at average temperatures in September through December, so that’s a start. Leaving to go abroad feels surreal. This is the week I should… More


Eliza Mikunda August 14, 2018

Resfeber (n): the nervous feeling you get before a journey. I have no idea what the next year has in store. Honestly, it's is a little nerve-wracking, as I am somewhat of a chronic over-planner. If you were to take a look at my laptop, you would find… More

From Down Under to Across the Pond

Mary Murray August 14, 2018

Around this time last year, I was nervous, ecstatic, and frantically preparing myself for a semester abroad in Australia. I was constantly checking my Visa paperwork and making sure that I had everything that I thought I needed packed, saying goodbye… More

The End of the Beginning

Bryan Mitchell July 18, 2018

Reintegration: I do miss living in New Zealand, but I do not find returning to the U.S. terribly challenging; a reason for this could be that I categorize travel and non-travel life separately in my brain. Also, I met or overachieved on all of my goals… More

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