A Letter to My Mother

Marisa Etzell September 12, 2018

Dear Mom, We are now past halfway through the semester. It’s week 8, and classes are beginning to pick up. I think I’ve finally “woken up” and realized this is no longer vacation and that it’s crucial to do schoolwork while I’m here. It’s crazy to think… More

T-24 Hours

Emily Schneider September 10, 2018

In exactly 21 hours and 14 minutes from the time I am writing this post, I will be on a plane that is taking off to Heathrow Airport. I will be spending my fall semester studying abroad in Wales and I couldn't be more excited. Both my mom and I have been… More

Is this Really Happening?

Diana Angel Alvarez September 6, 2018

Does this happen to you, that as soon as someone asks you to write down your experience, your brain wipes out and goes blank? Well, it happens to me and more often than I would like to admit. I arrived to Toledo, Spain, with two weeks to anticipate the… More

I Am Here...

Morgan Block September 4, 2018

I made it to Ireland! I can’t believe I’m finally here! Today I will be meeting up with the rest of my programme in Dublin for our Arcadia orientation. The next week will be very busy, but I am SO ready for it! Packing for 4.5 months was really difficult… More

Mindful Reflection

Eliza Mikunda September 1, 2018

I have been abroad for a little over a week and I can honestly say it feels like one of the longest weeks of my life. I feel like I have been away from home for months! Perugia is more beautiful than I ever expected, there is a view around every turn… More

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