I AM... (almost) A LOCAL

Morgan Block October 18, 2018

I have been living in Ireland now for 6 weeks, and it still feels a bit unreal. The idea that Galway is my home has just begun to set in. Walking around the city isn’t a maze anymore, and I don’t have to use Google Maps for every place I want to go. I… More

Weeks 3&4 More Exploring and Good Eats

Abby Russo October 17, 2018

First week of Class: Settling into Uni (10/1) My first two weeks of lecture and class went really well. So far, the workload is definitely manageable and as long as you stay on top of the readings there is still plenty of time to explore. This term I… More

Settling In

Kate Ahern September 19, 2018

Today marks the end of my second week of classes. Yes, that means my classes run only from Monday to Wednesday. It is quite the test of my own discipline to see how often I can actually get myself to do homework. The first week of classes ended up actually… More

Peeling the Layers of a Culture

Diana Angel Alvarez September 14, 2018

The program has officially started! Last week I met in Madrid with Dr. Cabrera, Assistant Director of Arcadia in Granada, who welcomed us to Spain and to the Arcadia -Toledo program. We had a short but substantial tour, were spoiled with great food and… More


Morgan Block September 14, 2018

Today is Friday the 14th of September, and I have officially been living in Galway for a week. It’s crazy to me that I have already completed the Arcadia orientation in Dublin, the visiting & international student orientation at NUIG (National University… More

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