A Very Merry End to a Very Merry Spooky Season!

Mandy Noren November 5, 2018

Hello out there! It’s been a while since we last talked- but I just wanted to pop in and give a quick update on the last month that I’ve spent abroad! October was absolutely insane. This month I had the chance to visit Stonehenge, Barcelona and Rome… More

Let the Travels Begin!

Abby Russo November 5, 2018

Arcadia Weekend Trip to Rome (10/19-10/21) Day 1: We got to Rome pretty late, so all we had time to do was get dinner with our hostel roommates. We went to a true Italian restaurant right down the street from our hostel called Taverna Pretoriana. We… More

Wentz and the Birds Take Wembley

Mary Murray November 2, 2018

I can’t believe it’s November already. It feels like just yesterday that I was going through orientation in central London with so many of the other students studying here. The fact that it’s November also means that I only have a little over a month… More

Tapping to the Rhythm of Flamenco

Alycia Parker October 30, 2018

Before I arrived in Granada, I had heard from various people I talked to who had visited Andalucía, that flamenco was a unique dance form that had strong roots in the region. I wasn’t sure what flamenco was as a dance style, but I looked it up last spring… More

The Halfway Point

Kate Ahern October 29, 2018

As I write this, I am exactly halfway through my time at University College Cork and have completed all three of my midterm essays. I feel as though I have learned a lot about myself so far, especially in terms of how I work as a student. The midterms… More

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