
Raechyl Thieringer University of Melbourne, Australia


February 20, 2017

Exactly one week until classes start and two weeks into my time in Australia and so much has happened.  I have eaten many new foods, including kangaroo, Tim Tams, Vegemite, crickets, and meat pies, some being much better than others.  I have surfed, hand-fed emus, thrown boomerangs, and so much more.  I have had time to explore my new home of St. Kilda, as well as the city of Melbourne.  I have laughed, I have cried, and I have done everything in between.

I could have never prepared myself for the rollercoaster of emotions I have felt.  I have gone from having the time of my life to crying of homesickness.  I have made new friends, and broken up with my boyfriend.  I have met up with my best friend from home, and we cut off her hair.  I have a basic understanding of the public transportation system, and fully understand how confusing and complicated it actually is.  I have cooked for myself more than I have in a while, and have learned (or reaffirmed) that I am awesome at making pasta.  Things have been incredible, and incredibly difficult.  It is impossible to go through everything, because it would take days. 

I haven’t posted in about a week because I was unsure of what to say and how to say it.  I am still not sure.  It has been really difficult being away from home, more than I ever thought it would be.  I have traveled alone before, but never this far away, and I feel that space every second of every day.  I am sure it will get easier, but I doubt it will ever be easy. 

With that being said, I am immensely excited for this semester and all I have planned.  Next week starts classes, and I honestly could not be more excited.  I love my schedule and what I am taking, and actually wish classes started this week instead of next.  But, to celebrate the end of the first week of classes, Next weekend I have booked my first trip.  I am going to Tasmania for a long weekend— by myself.  I am slightly terrified, but excited to be out on my own and really push my limits.  It will be an adventure, and I am really looking forward to experiencing it.

So all in all, these past two weeks have been exhausting mentally, physically, and emotionally, but I know it will be worth it and I look forward to all I have planned.


Australia Semester