Arcadia Adventures

Bailey Smith February 14, 2017

When I was looking through all of the different study abroad programs that my school allowed me to go through I looked really closely at what the different programs offered in terms of excursions. This is one of the reasons that I picked Arcadia because… More

One Month In: New Adventures!

Rebecca Sather Jenkins February 11, 2017

I’ve been in Edinburgh now for a month, and for some reason that fact is a little scary! Of course that month has been filled to the brim with adventure and exploring, but knowing that I’m one-third of the way through classes makes me think about all… More

Seeing Scotland

Bailey Smith February 6, 2017

The past few weeks of my trip have gone very quickly. I am now a month in and I feel rather comfortable here. One of my main goals when I came here was to see as much of Scotland (and Europe) as I could while I am here. So far I think I have been doing… More

Ceilidh and Cathedral

Mitch Peiffer February 6, 2017

This past Friday, I went to a school-sponsored dance. It was less the type of dance that we might be used to; it was advertised as a type of traditional Scottish dancing event called a Ceilidh (pronounced KAY-LEE). On arrival, I paid the entrance fee… More

Getting Off My High Horse

Erica Salowe January 31, 2017

Movie stars make horse riding look incredibly effortless—as if it’s no big deal to hop up on the nearest wild mare and gallop off into the sunset. Surely it’s not painful to ride bareback at a steady trot, and surely the horse will take directive of where… More

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