Worlds Apart

Lauren Young London, England


December 8, 2014

The Garage: This week I received an impromptu call from my best friend saying that our boy Niko, who I originally met years ago in Orlando when his career was first starting out,​ was performing in London later that night. Naturally, I dropped everything I was doing, put on a real pair of pants, and ran to the venue as fast as my short little legs could carry me.

When I got there Niko picked me up in a cab outside the club and brought me around the back where I got to sit backstage for the duration of the concert and watch interviews between himself and the headliner Talib Kweli. Just goes to show, I’ve got family in all the right places and the world may not be as large as it feels.

Easily the best night of my life in London, thanks to everybody who made this happen including the bouncer who refused to believe I was on the guest list.



Academic Year England