What I’ve Learned...

Yasaman Khorsandi Arcadia in Barcelona, Spain


January 14, 2015

It’s been a week now since I arrived here in Barcelona and wow is this city doing wonders on me! Everything has been a bit of a trance of unfamiliar sights, but I am just now starting to adjust, acclimate and call this place home. I am learning true independence and self-reliance (in the best way possible). By this I mean, I am learning how to be content and aware when I am by myself and use that time wisely. I am completely without my phone and easy directions when I am out, so I have been learning how to REALLY read a map and use my memory and skills to get me places.

I am learning and appreciating the many cultural differences between my country and this one. I would say all of us study abroad students have hopes of trying to be as “least American” as possible on the streets. From learning the different times they eat their meals, the different ways people greet each other, and the leisure of eating, I am doing my best to observe and imitate. I am also trying my best to practice my spanish! Living in a homestay has been SUCH a help. Not only is my family sweet and caring, but dinner with them is like a second spanish class!

I like what I’ve seen so far, but I know I am residing in a very touristy, and non-authentic part of Spain, so I am excited to venture out and see other parts.

Overall, my experience thus far has been me absorbing everything around me like a sponge. Learning a ton. Accepting uncomfortably. And loving the newness.