Weekend with Dad

Ben Garnitz Arcadia in Granada, Spain


October 18, 2017

Two weeks in I finally began to get my bearings in Granada. I knew how to get to class; I became familiar with some waiters at a few cafes and bars; and where to get churros late at night. My dad had a meeting in Madrid so a few days before he came to Granada to see what my life was like abroad. Normally, when I spend time with my dad he seems to know everything and I am the student. Here the tables were turned.

I have been taking Spanish for over a decade so I can speak fairly well with the locals here. I navigated us through the city, spoke for him at restaurants, introduced him to the amazing world of tapas. It was exhilarating being asked questions by the man who for my whole life seemed to have the answers.

Over the four days he was here we had some very cool adventures. We signed up for a trike tour of the Sierra Nevada (stigtours.com). An Irish man named Phillip picked us up on his giant three-wheeled motorcycle. Phillip was enthusiastic, fun, and informative. His vehicle had three seats was a blast to ride. The view of the Sierra Nevada mountains while zooming up and down the winding roads was breathtaking and unlike any experience I had previously. After about two hours of driving and periodically stopping for a photo op, he dropped us off at a quaint and highly recommended restaurant on the river where we dined on some of the best tapas I’ve had to date in Granada.

In addition to our tri-motorcycle excursion we visited the Cathedral, various museums, the Hammam, and of course ate our fair share of churros. To any student or parent who reads this I have two suggestions. 1) Don’t plan everything. Enjoy the wanderlust of Granada by walking around random side streets and grabbing a beer or wine wherever looks appetizing. 2) Definitely take a trike tour. It’s both exhilarating and fascinating.


Semester Spain Travel