Week Three in Wellington

Breana Intlekofer Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand


March 9, 2016

Laid back. That's a recurring theme I have been noticing since I arrived in Wellington, NZ three weeks ago. Recently, I have learned that this theme and manner of living life continues into how classes are taught at my university. I love this take on life because the fact that most of my lectures do not take attendance actually entices me to go even more, believe it or not. 

Every course I am enrolled in at Victoria University is stimulating and every professor relates their teaching to real-life events that directly effect me as as a student. I love my home school in America, but the teaching style in New Zealand seems to suit me even better. Homework is rarely assigned, meaning that most of my learning occurs in class. This makes me that much more interested in attending my lectures and tutorials, and I love what I have been learning! 

Also, the professors and students speak to each other as equals, reducing the barrier that I often feel between the teachers and students back home. Students are less scared to ask questions, and there are lots of in class conversations. Even better, the campus is beautiful! One of the pictures above shows the view that I see on my walk to University everyday. 

I've left time for fun, too of course. Exploring the shops, cafes, and breweries in downtown Wellington has been amazing and I haven't even scratched the surface. Wellington is known for its craft beers, and I got a chance to try these out at a beer tasting last weekend. It was interesting to taste the difference between New Zealand and Australian brand beers compared to American beers. Black Dog Brew Co. is one of the many breweries in downtown Wellington and has 22 beers on draft, ranging in taste from sour to sweet to just delicious.

More than just beers though, I have come to appreciate the awesome views I come across on a daily basis. One photo above is the view off of my front porch that overlooks the city of Wellington all the way to the ocean. And I am lucky enough to get to see this view every day!

With classes only just starting, I am so excited to continue to learn in a new environment and culture. But so far, this no homework thing is really working for me!