Venturing in to the Unknown

Yasaman Khorsandi Arcadia in Barcelona, Spain


December 30, 2014

With just a week before I depart to Spain, the range of emotions I feel are unreal!

First things first, Because I don't know much about Spain or what I'm getting myself into, I am excited for the unknown. I am excited to embark on an adventure that is mysterious and unexpected. I like knowing that my new year of 2015 has stories that I can’t even imagine to tell yet.

Second, I am nervous. I am nervous for the exact same reason. The unknown. The mystery. As adventurous as it sounds, it is also scary for someone who likes to know "the plan". I think being nervous and scared is normal but it is also so good for me to do something that makes me nervous and scared. Challenge is necessary because when did growth ever come from doing something easy?!

I am excited to make new friends and I am scared to make new friends. I am excited to learn Spanish and attempt to foolishly practice it, but I am also scared for those moments where I will blank, and, to the person I am talking to, appear to have gone mute.

Overall, all I can say is it's going to be an adventure if I've ever had one.

An adventure that begins with forcing myself to pull some items out of my suitcase that I really don't "need", as I grind my teeth and grunt. An adventure that begins with the stomach-dropping moment when I forget a couple essentials on the way to the airport. An adventure that begins with tight hugs, long goodbyes, and fighting tears. An adventure that begins with the, okay-this-is-it moment when I breathe in, turn around, force myself not to look back, and go it alone.

It's the moment where I have to see it through. The plans I've been making for months. It's the moment when I allow the unknown to be my companion. It's the moment when I sit on the plane, peer out the window, and whisper giddily to myself, "I'm going to Spain!!!!!".