Two Days ‘til Takeoff

Margaret Chelsvig University of Edinburgh, Scotland


January 2, 2015

Sitting at home, I keep fluctuating between Edinburgh-can’t-come-soon-enough and I-am-so-not-ready-to-leave. The Edinburgh-can’t-come-soon-enough comes from the excitement and anticipation of living in another country for five months. I’m beyond excited to explore Edinburgh and the rest of Europe. I-am-so-not-ready-to-leave manifests itself in the sentimental part of me. Of course I’ll miss all my friends, my school, and my family. To remedy this, I’ve been making the rounds at all my favorite places around town. Savoring the last bites of my favorite burrito place, Panchero’s, getting coffee with my friends at my favorite coffee shops, even visiting the dentist. I’ll miss the familiarity of home, but I’m thrilled to make a new home in Edinburgh.

PACKING. Like all those that came before me, I am struggling with packing. It’s more than just what to bring. It’s how to pack for five months in a culture I don’t understand, weather I can’t really comprehend (rain, fog, wind??- hello I’m used to cold and snowy Minnesota), what shoes will I need, what do people wear in Scotland? I have done research, I have made lists, and my mom has made me practice packing my suitcase. I even convinced my little sister to help me pack.

I’m very excited! I have a 10 hour layover so I’ll update you when I’m en route!

