
Lauren Young London, England


September 16, 2014

I have never been so thankful to have feet. They take me wherever I want to go, which is often the wrong direction from where I want to be going in the first place because I'm Lauren and I'm prone to getting lost literally in my own bedroom. 

Despite my trusty feet, I've found that the tube is a really easy and manageable way to travel around London. Although you might end up with a middle aged mans armpit less than a centimeter away from your face or a screaming baby screaming louder than you've ever heard a screaming baby scream before sitting directly on top of you, it's tolerable because it gets you basically anywhere.

Buses... My worst enemy, besides revolving doors that is. To be honest, I haven't worked up the courage to find myself on a bus because the schedules themselves just look like pure gibberish to me. Tonight, I'm being physically forced onto a bus by my flatmates and it could end one of two ways. I either end up panicking and trying to jump out the window or I make it to where I need to be on time and in one piece. Crossing my fingers for the latter of the two.


England Academic Year