Tomorrow is the day

Lauren Young London, England


September 10, 2014

My bags have been packed, unpacked, re-packed again and then finally given up on. Like what if I need 3 umbrellas? What if I need this jumper I haven’t worn since 2006? What if I need this life-sized oil painting of myself? What if if I need my refrigerator? These are a lot of decisions I just was not ready to make.

Anyways, I’ll be heading into London with a one way ticket tomorrow which scares and excites me in so many different ways. I’m just crossing my fingers and hoping to god that I’m going to be able to get on and off the tube with a massive bag that could probably be used as a means of transportation for a small family of 4 if necessary.

Wish me luck! If you don’t hear from me within the next few days someone contact Liam Neeson because I’ve most likely been Taken. Either that, or I just haven’t found wifi yet but regardless… call Liam Neeson.