To Live is to Change

Anna Blumenscheid University of Westminster, England


September 21, 2015

This week has seemed like the longest week. Perhaps it was that I was at home working up until last Saturday, September 12, and now everything is different. I am no longer employed. No longer in the United States.

Life is about change. It is; change is inevitable; it happens all the time. Things evolve, intertwine, move forward, fall apart, come together. To live is to change. Ourselves. Our lives. Our friends. And our environments.

But this does not mean change comes easy. There is still fear in the unknown, the same fear of things that go bump in the night, the fear of moving somewhere completely unlike home. Home is safe. Home is good. And yet we consciously and continuously delve into the unknown, because of the hope, the hope that after trying new things; we find the things that we like better. Maybe even find where we belong best in this world.

We spend our lives doing things we think are important, we have goals that follow those. But what of dreams?? What of the things we dream about knowing that they’ll probably never come to pass? Why instead of trying our best to do those things, the things that give us joy, and hope, and maybe scare us a little (okay, a lot.), do we get caught up in the daily motion of our lives and the work we seemingly need to do? Why do we focus so closely on the detail of our days, that we forget how quickly time can pass?

I’ve been thinking about it a lot over the past few days I have been in London. This city is always bustling, everyone has got their own things to do, their own things to worry about, but where do I fit into that? This city has 13 million people living in it. Everyone is living their own lives.

Also, on a completely different note. Today, 21 September 2015, is my birthday!!! Today I am 21. When I was younger I thought that by 21 I would have my life figured out. Or at least have several significant long-term goals, and know what career I would like to go in to. Instead, I just moved to another country and have no plans for any long-term things. And as you can see from above, I probably have less figured out today than I did 10 years ago, but I’m okay with that, or at the very least learning to be.

In addition to all of this existential crisis stuff, I have been doing a lot of sightseeing. Check out my photos.

That’s basically what I’ve been up to this past week.
