The Power of Embracing

Maurice Scott University of New South Wales, Australia


September 9, 2015

Coming to the University of New South Wales, I didn't know what was in store for me. I planned to just work hard, focus, and most of all be myself with an open mind. I didn't know I would have the opportunity to represent a school in their biggest university sporting event in Australia called Unigames/Australian University Championships. Even though I made the boats that I wanted to participate in, I didn't know the Official Facebook and Instagram account of the University itself would feature me on their accounts. This taught me that even though being global is all about embracing another culture, it's a great gesture when that culture begins to embrace you back. It has been a long journey in terms of my rowing, but it has finally paid off and I am able to share this experience with different rowers from around the world (mainly Australia). Rowing has been a passion of mine for many years, but I was discouraged a couple years back and that made me rethink what I actually wanted in life. I realized that I wanted to regain my love for the sport during my sophomore year of college but on an international scale. Australia, particularly UNSW, has provided me this opportunity to participate in their sport and it had turned out to be the best decision I have made in my life. Next stop Adelaide, Australia! #TeamUNSW