The Dwindling Days Before Arrival

Kate Ahern University College Cork, Ireland


August 31, 2018

Let’s just start by saying that I hate packing. Everyone hates packing, but I always forget how much I hate it until I actually have to do it. I am always one for being on top of a packing list, I’ve had that ready for about a month, but actually bringing out the suitcase and folding up my clothes and getting everything together is pure torture for me. As I write this I am just days away from leaving for my trip. I leave September 1st and started packing August 26th. Many people would probably say I waited too long but I’m not doing it the night before so I call it a win.

All of my friends in the area have already gone back to school, I’ve said my goodbyes and have finished my summer job and internship. So this week for me is all about a final seven days of relaxation before the craziness starts. It has been all about packing, preparing, finishing up summer reading and Netflix watching, and getting in some extra cat cuddles.

I would say that I am equally excited and nervous about my time abroad. I think it took a while for it to hit me that I was about to leave the country for four months! But now that it has, I am so looking forward to thrusting myself into this new environment. I think that being completely pushed out of my comfort zone is going to do me some good and force me to grow. I think I am most excited for the opportunity to travel so easily compared to trying to travel internationally from Pennsylvania. I am also very interested to learn in such a different environment than what I am used to. Arcadia University is a small, suburban school of less than 3,000 undergrad students. Meanwhile, University College Cork has around 15,000 undergraduate students. One thing I focused on when looking for schools to study abroad at was being against going somewhere that was just the European Arcadia. I love Arcadia but I wanted this study abroad experience to teach me something new, not just be a continuation of what I already knew. University College Cork along with other European schools have a much more hands-off approach to teaching and I look forward to that. I am hoping this semester will teach me a lot of new techniques for studying and learning on my own without a professor always having my back.

There are of course a lot of ways that studying abroad can teach you a newfound sense of independence, outside of studying. Arcadia is just a 30-minute drive from my home and family. I have never been gone for more than a few weeks. Didn’t feel like buying groceries that week? Went home and got mom and dad to take me to Target. Couldn’t handle dealing with a difficult roommate any longer? Go home for the weekend and escape that situation. These and several other scenarios are not going to be an option when I’m away. I keep mentioning that comfort zone for a reason. Sometimes the easiest way to break out of it is to literally just leave. Leave the entire country and branch out on your own.

Now, I’m not completely on my own. My roommate sophomore year and one of my best friends is actually going to Cork as well. I swear it was not done on purpose, we’re not crazy. I actually had another program at the top of my list and when that program was no longer available I looked to Ireland and fell in love with the idea of going to Cork. I am really grateful that I have somebody I am close to going with me so I am not dealing with it alone. And while I do not believe bringing along a friend is a necessity it sure is a nice little bonus.

As the days dwindle down before I take off on a new adventure I am torn between feeling like there are a million things to do and almost nothing left to do. Of course, I know there are plenty of things I still need to jam into my suitcase, but I mean things outside of that. I do know that I 100% recommend ending your summer activities a little early and taking some time to just relax and be a bit of a couch potato for a couple days. You’re going to jet off to another country (!) and probably end up missing that couch and all the “Parenthood” and “Weeds” episodes you binge-watched on it throughout the summer (I have a diverse taste). Let yourself relax before the crazy ride ahead of you.

So, I’m off to figure out whether I should roll or fold my clothes to maximize space in my suitcase. Next time you hear from me I’ll be in Ireland!