The Countdown Begins

Autumn Schorr City, University of London


August 22, 2018

Exactly 25 days until I leave for London and exactly 0 items packed. I have dug up my suitcase and started looking at average temperatures in September through December, so that’s a start. Leaving to go abroad feels surreal. This is the week I should be returning to Chapman University to start my junior year. I see all the Snapchats and Instagram stories of my friends settling in and registering.

Meanwhile, I’m continuing my long summer break wondering what the fall semester has in store for me! Last summer, I spent 3 months in Europe backpacking alone. I learned how to make my way around 20 foreign countries effectively and independently. Going abroad this time around, I have the support of City University and one of my best friends (hey Maggie!) studying with me to help me along the way.

That being said, I don’t think the adjustment period, or the time away from home, will be tough for me. A potential challenge might be the weather. Being a southern Californian my whole life, I’m a big wimp when it comes to the cold. Tips on what brand/style of jacket to buy would be appreciated! Other than the frigid London temperatures, I’m not too sure what my upcoming challenges will be. And right now, I’m not too concerned about that. My focus is on making sure I make the most out of my last days with my friends and family and save as much money as I can. Since London is crowned as one of the most expensive places to study abroad, I have been working two jobs as a nanny and receptionist at a hair salon. Fun and frugal will be my new middle names!

Anyways, I need to get back to not packing. See you next time!