The Busy Part of Studying Abroad

Arin Fambro University of New South Wales, Australia


June 1, 2017

These past few weeks have been very busy and we are heading right into the end of the semester so quickly. It has all gone so fast and I am not ready to return back to the United States. I am currently sitting on a bus driving through the beautiful countryside in Bathurst on my earth science class trip. The trip has gone well, we have visited a few different mountains and soil areas learning about the kind of rocks and the influence on the environment on the years have led to its structure and form now. It hasn’t been the easiest class but is an interesting trip. Visiting the three sisters is a site that I would suggest for a visit if anyone wants to go into Australia rather than down the coast line.

Apart from that, university has been packed with reports and quizzes all creeping up towards the end of year exams. So the professors are definitely keeping us all busy and running for the library. But I have been doing my internships in Parliament House and at Project Futures, they both have offered me so much experience and I am grateful. We did a movie screening of the True Cost Movie for Project Futures in CBD, where so many people came out to support us in our fundraising and raise awareness about Fashion Revolution week all over the world. To be able to discuss with people the ramifications of the labour trafficking does make a difference in how our world will work with fast fashion companies. While in Parliament I have been working on writing proposals for our bill around CCTV’s and how to protect others privacy. It’s been a lot with university and internships but I have enjoyed it and hope to travel this winter when I’m done with my exams.

However, I am currently doing Bathurst, which is lovely. We have gone to Mt. Canboloas, the Three sisters in the Blue Mountains, and the Jenolan Caves Reserve. While I had not been excited for this trip at first, I ended up seeing another apart of Australia I didn’t know about but I also made some close friends in my class during the trip. I have to say the Three Sisters and the Caves were the most beautiful part of this trip.

But my partner and I also went to Anna Bay for our anniversary and it was just so amazing! We stayed in this bungalow in the bush that belonged to this lovely couple. There, we enjoyed the bungalow but also drove about 10 minutes into Nelson Bay where we went diving. The weather was absolutely perfect for it, the sky was cloudless and the sun came down on the marine reserve where all the fish and dolphins were out enjoying it also. We went snorkeling and I was able to see many of these kind of fish that I’ve never seen. It turned out to be such an amazing trip and we hope to go back there soon and see more of the marine reservation in hopes of finding some seahorses! We also went to Blackbutt Reserve in Newcastle, where I finally got to see a Koala, a wombat, and wallabies. It was absolutely amazing and I was very excited to be able to see the other native animals of Australia that I’ve missed out on.

This amazing year is starting to come to an end as I enter the last three months and I get more emotional with every day that passes. It really has been such an amazing experience and being able to meet more people this last semester has made it even more exciting to know that when I do decide to return to Australia, I will have connections all over the coast to visit.