Spring Spring Break- Part 1

Olivia Mill University of Aberdeen, Scotland


April 15, 2016

This was an absolutely incredible spring break, and I feel so lucky to have had the opportunity to go to so many wonderful places. My break started with London. I went with a friend from high school, Emma, who is also studying abroad this semester, in Prague. We stayed with her aunt and I also met her grandparents, and it was really lovely. They are all fantastic people, and I was grateful for their hospitality. Emma and I saw Kinky Boots the musical in The West End, all the famous sites like Big Ben and Buckingham Palace. But I think our favorite place were the markets. We went to Camden Lock and Covent Garden Markets. They are both full of different vendors selling anything and everything. We both had to control ourselves a couple of times so we didn’t break the bank.

 After London, I went to Copenhagen to visit my roommate, Sarah. She is studying abroad there, and I must say it is a fantastic city! I was very glad that I had her to show me around and tell me all about the different sites in the city. On the first day, we had breakfast at the oldest bakery in Copenhagen, went to Christiansborg Palace, saw the Marble Church, The Little Mermaid Statue, and went to a ballet.

The next two days I kept myself busy while she was in class. One day I went to the Glass Market and the Botanical Gardens, and the other day I went to the National Museum. While I was with Sarah, we rode bikes to see the Royal Library and the National Library. For dinner we went to this awesome place called Paper Island. It is an old warehouse that now houses a bunch of food vendors selling foods from all over the world. I loved how safe the city felt, as well as the bike-friendly aspect. It is an awesome place, and she is lucky to be living there. On the last day I was in Copenhagen, we went to see Rosenborg Castle, and left for the airport to fly to Vienna. My spring break adventures continue in the next post!