Spring Break Travels to Italy and Greece

Margaret Chelsvig University of Edinburgh, Scotland


April 16, 2015

I am exhausted! It’s just past midnight here in Edinburgh as I write this and I have had a busy day! I took a five(ish) hour train ride from Nottingham to Edinburgh (story on that later), got into town, dumped my bags, and went out sightseeing with my friend who will be visiting me for a couple of days. We went to a Ceilidh before coming back and making of cup of tea before passing out. I’ve just got back from an eight day trip to Italy and Greece where we made stops in Rome, Florence, and Crete before catching a return flight to Nottingham. Why? It was really cheap. We made it to East Midlands Airport, took a bus to Nottingham, and checked into our hostel around 2:00 am.

So as I arrived home this afternoon, I couldn’t help but want to snuggle up in my bed and watch Netflix for a few hours. I’ll spend the next couple of days touring Edinburgh with my friend before catching a flight to Amsterdam to spend a long weekend there! So maybe you can understand the longing for a Netflix reprieve?

Back to the beginning- I left on Easter Sunday for Rome! We did all the usual stuff in Rome- the Vatican, Trevi Fountain, Colosseum, Spanish Steps, Roman Forum, Vittorio Emmanuelle, Pizza/Pasta/Gelato/Wine, Borghese Gardens, Tiber River, etc. Pictures do Rome justice- my most prominent memories were the hoards of tourists, the confusing Italian language, the wonderful and cheap Euro, and the food. But I’m sure you don’t want to hear me complain about the slow moving tourist packs, do you?

Florence was my favorite stop of the trip. We saw the Duomo, which was so incredible. I don’t know anything about civil engineering or architecture, but reading the history behind the construction of Bruneschelli’s Dome is fascinating- it definitely added a level of appreciation to it! We also visited David- you know the Michelangelo’s masterpiece? I love Italy and it’s difficult to convey the sensation you get from traveling some place new.

Greece was incredible. It was surreal being that far east! It was just such a foreign place and the first place I had been to without a usual alphabet! We stayed on Crete, in the lovely city of Chania. We went swimming in the Mediterranean Sea, got sunburnt, and more. There are snowcapped mountains in the backdrop of Chania, which seemed rather impossible. Lying on the beach next to the ocean in Greece with mountains in the distance? Greece was definitely a one of a kind place.

I know I said earlier that I was writing this in Edinburgh- well as I finish my blog I’m sitting in the Amsterdam airport! I can’t believe that I’m trying to recall the details of my trip to Italy and Greece as I prepare for my next trip in Amsterdam. I’m definitely tired, but good thing I’ve had a lot of coffee, because otherwise I would be passed out right now.

I have oftened wondered who the readers of my blog might be. Perhaps potential study abroad students? Anyways, there is so much I have to say. But for those readers that are particularly interested in Edinburgh, I will be sure to write a post detailing my favorite things in Edinburgh. Best Mexican food, best coffee, best place to avoid studying, etc. Stay tuned.

Looking ahead: Exploring Amsterdam!


Greece Italy Travel