Split Spring Break

Sarah O. Sicily, Italy


March 17, 2014

This past week was spring break and everyone from our small little school of nine went in separate directions to explore Europe. A few boys decided on a huge adventure covering the entire country of Italy. They started in Naples, then went to Rome, Florence, Venice, Milan and ended in Munich: the odd town out, being in Germany. Another brave soul ventured alone to London, Ireland then to Amsterdam. A girl from the trip spent the week with her brother in Switzerland, and said it was beautiful but extremely expensive. Another WWOOFed on a farm in Abruzzo, Italy, and another girl went to Milan and Venice. My spring break was not as glamorous and exciting as the rest of my group but I still had an adventure of my own.

My friend from the states came to visit me and we went to Rome for a few days. There we saw the normal tourist spots like Vatican City, the Spanish Steps, Trevi Fountain, the Pantheon and Colosseum, and a few random places that just looked amazing like castles and monuments. I was surprised by how close everything was in the city. We were walking around the first day just trying to find a place to eat when we stumbled upon the Pantheon, right there in the center of a bunch of restaurants and normal buildings in all its glory. The city was beautiful, but I wish it was not so claustrophobic with tourists because it took away from its beauty.

Then after a few days in Rome, we headed back to Siracusa. There, I showed him my personal tour of the city. I took him to the archaeological park, to the strange cut-out-rock “pier” by the water, for gelato at night, to eat real Sicilian seafood, and to just experience a more down-to-earth side of Italy. The weather was not the greatest, but it was a really nice week.

Then it all ended and we gathered back together from our different corners of Europe to spend a sunny St. Paddy’s Day in the sunshine of Sicily. Home sweet home.

