So Many Adventures

Kristin Kinchla University of Otago, New Zealand


May 19, 2017

A few weeks ago was mid-semester break and I went to the North Island with four friends and 16 hours of traveling was completely worth it. Our first trip was to Ragland which was a town full of surfers, we went there for my friend Gabe’s birthday who is huge into surfing. While we were there, we went into town and I saw a tattoo place and went in to simply ask about prices. An hour later I left with my first tattoo of a mountain range in New Zealand (Roy’s Peak to be exact), and the mountain I talked about in my last blog post. That was the first spontaneous thing I did on break, a few days later, I built up the courage to go sky diving. It was an amazing experience that I highly recommend.

The week after these adventures, I did the longest hike of my life. Two days straight, eight hours each day and a total of 36 km on the Copland Track on the west coast. This was my first time on the west coast of the South Island and I will definitely be back. Everyday this country amazes me, I can't wait for the many adventures I have to come! The picture above is two of my friends in front of me on the Copland Track because I often fell behind, but the views were absolutely worth the hard work.


New Zealand Semester