Roma: A Weekend in a Dream

Yasaman Khorsandi Arcadia in Barcelona, Spain


February 25, 2015

*Cue Dean Martin’s “On an Evening in Roma”*


Well this weekend was probably one of the best weekends that I’ve had since I got here, and this was for many unexpected reasons. To start, this weekend that was intended to be a two-person trip ended up with me running across the airport to make a flight by myself.

The 2-hour plane ride consisted of me repeating in my head “okay, I’m going to Rome by myself.” Over and over again. Considering I knew no Italian, didn’t quite know how I was getting from the airport to my hostel, and what my plans were for the weekend, this was a minor freak out.

But in the midst of this dilemma, the two girls sitting next to me were definitely not placed by accident. These two very sweet Venezuelan girls from Barcelona befriended me and to my luck, we figured out our hostels were right by each other. This may have been the biggest blessing of the weekend, because I would have been completely lost getting off that plane alone.

Getting situated and staying alone in a hostel was also a very interesting and new experience, but the days that followed were nothing short of incredible. My first day, I visited the Vatican City, Sistine Chapel, Spanish Steps, Colosseum, Roman Forum, the Pantheon, Arc De Constantino, and the Trevi Fountain. I truly didn’t know I was capable of walking this much in one day.

I explored and wandered a ton and of course had amazing food and gelato.

Being by myself had its perks because I learned how to be confident in eating meals alone and just being content with my own company. It also made me a lot more approachable. One night I went to a restaurant and a woman from Switzerland was also eating alone and asked if we wanted to eat together. I was able to learn all about her life in Switzerland and make a new friend, which I wouldn’t have been able to do if I was with someone else.

My second and third day consisted of getting through everything on my list — different Piazzas, recommended restaurants, flea markets, salsa club, and an Irish Pub where I ended up meeting a bunch of new Irish friends who were a blast.

My weekend was short, but just long enough to make me fall in love with Italy. Italy has always been on my list of places to visit, and it was everything I hoped it would be. I fell in love with life there. With the way they spoke Italian so beautifully saying “Ciao Bella” and “Grazie.” I fell in love with the architecture and the music and the small cobblestone alleyways, which were home to some of the best-hidden restaurants. I fell in love with the food and the wine there. There was so much magic in the air and I know this sounds crazy, but there is something seriously dreamy about that city.

Arrivederci Roma, I’ll be meeting you again.