Preparing for New Zealand

Kristin Kinchla University of Otago, New Zealand


February 7, 2017

Choosing where to go and what school to attend, unlike many, was not a tough choice for me. Seeing how close the school was to the mountains and the beach instantly made me fall in love with it. New Zealand itself is a place full of amazing opportunities and countless places to visit. I am leaving to start my journey a week from today and I can’t be more excited to share my experiences with everyone!

With the date of departure approaching, I have been doing a great deal of preparation to make sure everything goes smoothly. The most exciting part of my preparation is the research which I have been conducting about New Zealand. I have been learning as much as I can about this wonderful country from prices, transportation, the best tourist spots, and the best restaurants to go to.

Due to my lack of knowledge of cooking, I decided to purchase a cooking book which contains the most basic and quickest recipes. Maybe this book will teach me how to cook something besides pasta.

From all of this research, I have developed a set of expectations that I wish to get from this semester. I hope to learn everything I possibly can about this country especially the lifestyles of the locals. I also hope to learn more about myself and develop a sense of independence. Traveling to a foreign country can be a scary experience, but it is also an amazing opportunity that is live changing and I can’t wait to see what there is to come.