Preparing for New Zealand

Breana Intlekofer Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand


February 16, 2016

So. Much. Stuff.

Thats all I kept thinking to myself as I attempted to shove my entire life and five months worth of clothes into two suitcases. But, now that all my luggage is zipped and filled to the brim, my excitement for my journey to New Zealand has reached its peak.

This will be the farthest I have ever been from home, and the longest I will have gone without seeing my parents. Those two things are what scare me the most, but those fears pale in comparison to the fact that I am about to embark on the trip of a lifetime. A trip filled with meeting new people, learning about a new culture and education system, and figuring out who I am away from all of the influences of my daily life in South Carolina.

As I get on my flight this afternoon I will be filled with so many emotions, but knowing that the Arcadia staff will be there to meet me on the other side helps to put my mind at ease.

Here I come, New Zealand! Excited is an understatement.