Photography Adventures

Lauren Young London, England


October 8, 2014

Finally got some of my film developed because I'm a slacker and it's been weeks since my last visit to this beautiful place. The first couple photos are from my visit to Winchester Cathedral. It has the tallest steeple in all of England and I thought about walking up their spiral stair case to the top but the tour guides descriptions and warnings about the length of time it would take scared my lazy little legs off.​ I think there is an interesting but aesthetically appealing contrast between new age art that seemed to immersed itself so naturally into a city full of old, Victorian style buildings.

Another photo is from when I just randomly came across a brick in Lightwater that said London on it the day before I left for the city. If that isn't some kind of sign, I don't know what is.

Additionally, I've grown a new passion for doors. Sounds weird, but let me finish. I never really looked at doors before I got to England but that is simply because American doors have absolutely nothing on British doors. These are just a couple of the personalized, front stoops I've come across on my walks to class. Whenever I find an elaborately decorated front stoop I can't help but feel as if I found a little, peaceful pearl in a vast sea of bustling strangers and endless car horns.




England Academic Year