One of my last writing assignments about living in London

Lauren Young London, England


December 9, 2014

​I am this city

These four walls, surround me in my times of weakness. When my feet can no longer withhold the weight my body begs for these four walls. I’ve yet to memorize their rivets and cracks the way I have these old cobble stone streets that mesmerize my eyes, lending a parting view from my feet.

The wind hasn’t tasted sweet in months. I can’t remember the last time I saw your smile in the sky the way it used to part the clouds so effortlessly. Now you just bring in the rain. Everyday, falling faster begging for a cobblestone to capture what my umbrella so rightfully repeals.

It’s these four walls that have kept me sane and dry from the endless stream of troubles that forever falls from the sky. I wish it wasn’t you I see in the hazy night sky. Illuminating what shan’t be lit but you’d rather torture my tired eyes with your never-ending gaze. A thousand miles away and I can’t escape your troubles. This city is you. You are I.



England Academic Year