New Zealand

Victor-Alan Weeks Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand


January 29, 2017

Study abroad ain’t no joke. I haven’t left yet, but even the process leading up to it is serious stuff, yes indeed. Not too complicated, but you definitely need to be on your P’s and Q’s and timely about what you do and when you do it. Communication is key with those who are the ones helping you out financially, your program coordinator, and your school to make sure everything is in line and good to go.

It’s T-2 weeks until I roll out and I’m getting more and more excited thinking about it. I’m glad that all that there is to it now is waiting for my visa to process and then flying out. Leading up to this is a nice amount paper work and mainly you deciding what you’ll be doing, where you’ll be staying, and how it’s getting funded. (Thank you God for QuestBridge)

I haven’t done too much research yet because I kinda wanna dive in head first without dipping my toe in, but at the same time I want to be somewhat prepared for customs such as greeting people, eating, and just understanding respectful/disrespectful mannerisms. That’s always nice to know so you don’t piss anyone off just because of a miscommunication and lack of research, but it is what it is.

I’m really working on getting my recipe game up because imma have to be cooking with my flat mates (still haven’t gotten my housing finalization back yet) so I wanna be able to throw down and put everyone in food comas (aka the Itis) when I get up in the kitchen.

It’ll work out how it needs to though and I’m just looking forward to getting there. Still plenty of things to take care of before I dip, but as I said before everything will work out how it needs to.